
New York Gov. Cuomo Calls ICE “A Bunch of Thugs”

In a debate with challenger Cynthia Nixon for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared, “New York is the…

Cognitive Dissonance Still Drives the Immigration Debate

A number of times in the past, FAIR has pointed out that advocates for unlimited mass migration have a tendency…

In North Carolina sheriff’s races, immigration is the driving and dividing issue

Update: In the primaries held on May 8, both Mecklenburg County Sheriff Irwin Carmichael and Durham County Sheriff Mike Andrews…

Soros-backed group offers app to help illegal aliens avoid deportation

What if an enterprising organization developed a smartphone app that would allow an individual to warn other drunk drivers in…

Media bias exposed in its coverage of those seeking asylum in the U.S.

In the eyes of the media elites, the issue of immigration is a story best told in black and white…