
FAIR Op-ed: Why America Must Remain a Melting Pot

In an op-ed published in the Asbury Park Press and other Gannett newspapers across New Jersey, I discuss why assimilating…

Combat Global Inequality by Increasing Immigration to the United States?

Economics writer Matt O’Brien penned a column/blog in the Washington Post on June 2 focused on unequal earnings around the…

Immigration Pushes Population Growth Faster

Admission of more than one million immigrants per year adds significantly to the rapid population growth of the United States.…

Constraining Population Growth

The United States is involved in contributing to efforts to slow world population growth. But at home, the administration is…

#4 of 5 – Five Things the Republican Congress Must Do in 2015 (with Resources)

This Blog is taken from Five Things the Republican Congress Must Do in 2015.   Visit FAIR's State and Local Issues…