
Plunging Wages for Low-Wage Workers

The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) has come out with a study that demonstrates how the inflation adjusted earnings of low…

Democratic Party Set to Pursue Mutually Exclusive Policy Priorities in 2014: Reducing Income Inequality and Maximizing Immigration

The Christian Science Monitor reports that entering an election year, the Democratic Party will seek to change the political conversation…

Amnesty Will Make Americans Poorer

Amnesty Will Make Americans Poorer "Of all the arguments that are made in favor of comprehensive immigration reform along the…

Ron Unz: Raise the Minimum Wage As Part of Amnesty

Ron Unz: Raise the Minimum Wage As Part of Amnesty "American businesses can certainly afford to provide better pay given…

Immigration: Fueling U.S. Income Inequality

Income inequality in the United States has been rapidly growing over the past four decades. That fact is evident in…