national security

The UK Elections, the Tory Victory, and National Sovereignty

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party decisively won the United Kingdom’s December 12 election. The Tories not only…

U.S. Inaction Continues to Fuel China’s Theft of Intellectual Property

Despite knowing of an ongoing campaign by China’s government to steal American research and intellectual property from universities, federal grant-making…

China is Outsmarting the Visa System to Gain An Intelligence Edge

On Monday, the Justice Department announced the arrest of Zhongsan Liu on charges of conspiring to fraudulently obtain research scholar…

Is China Schooling U.S. With Student Visas?

The U.S. is sending mixed signals on Chinese student visas, and Beijing appears to be taking advantage. For months, U.S.…

Twitter Celebrities Choose Migrants over Security

Virtue-signaling Twitter celebrities have decided to align themselves with the potential illegal aliens over the rule of law and national…