national security

DHS Secretary: Amnesty Background Checks Wouldn’t Catch Terrorists

Proponents of amnesty often claim that it would make the country safer by bringing illegal aliens "out of the shadows"…

10 Years Later: The 9/11 Commission Report’s Findings on Immigration

On July 22, 2004, following nearly two years of investigations and hearings, the 9/11 Commission released their 535-page report. As…

Executive Amnesty Would be Reckless and Irresponsible

The apparent beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff by the Islamic State (IS), less than two weeks after the murder…

FAIR Alert: Military Amnesty’s Next Stop is the House Floor

Military Amnesty’s Next Stop: House Floor Thanks to your hard work, we successfully kept an amnesty from being attached to…

Pro-Amnesty Indoctrination in Virginia Public Schools?

Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.) set up a program in Virginia public schools to advance his own immigration agenda… at the…