Obama Administration

What True Immigration Reform Looks Like: Secure Our Borders

The last time our government measured border security, only 13 percent of our borders are under “operational control.” That is…

Rep. Diane Black on ‘The ICE Shell Game’

Over the weekend, National Review Online published an editorial by Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) that highlights one example of how the Obama…

Record? Obama Deported Fewer than Carter

While Americans were preparing for the Christmas holiday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) nonchalantly issued its FY 2013 enforcement data.…

The 12 Days of Amnesty: on the 2nd Day…

On the 2nd Day of Amnesty, the Obama administration gave to me… Nearly 2 million illegal aliens eligible for deferred…

Obama Takes Revenge on Congress

Since Speaker Boehner initially declared immigration dead for 2013, the Obama administration has initiated sweeping, unilateral changes to U.S. immigration…