open borders

Baby Boom or Bust? Media Gets it Wrong – Again

Women in the U.S. are more likely to be mothers than in the past, and they are having more children,…

Open Borders Advocate Mark Zuckerberg Gets $10 Million a Year in Taxpayer Subsidies for Personal Security

Losing $16 billion in one day is only the latest bad day for open border advocate Mark Zuckerberg.

Leftist Faculty, Students Reflexively Demand schools Cut Ties to ICE

Left-wing faculty, alumni and students now are calling for the Johns Hopkins University end a partnership with ICE.

Prominent Politicians Defy American Opinion in Push to Abolish ICE

Very few American voters actually agree with the push to abolish ICE.

Open-Borders Crowd Holds Massachusetts Budget Hostage

Massachusetts is now the only state in the union not to have passed a budget for the new fiscal year,…