sanctuary city policy

The Twisted Logic of Open Borders Zealots

There are two truisms about the immigration debate: First, just because people suffer horrible conditions in their home countries, wherever…

Senate Democrats Lead Charge to Kill Anti-Sanctuary City Bill, Kate’s Law

Senate Democrats led the charge today in protecting the status quo and turning their backs on public safety with two…

Effort to Deny Funding to Sanctuary Cities Fails for Unrelated Reason

Last week, Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) introduced a FAIR-supported amendment to H.R. 5055, the Energy and Water Development and Related…

Louisiana Committee Advances Anti-Sanctuary Legislation

The Louisiana House Committee on the Judiciary unanimously voted to advance two measures last week to combat sanctuary policies in…

Wisconsin Slow Walks Anti-Sanctuary Measure

Despite the Wisconsin Assembly overwhelmingly passing anti-sanctuary legislation last week (62-35), the Wisconsin Senate has yet to schedule the bill…