Sanctuary State

Prankster Sign Underscores Lunacy of New California Sanctuary Law

"Felons, illegal and MS-13 Welcome!" reads a fake but all too real sign under the official Welcome to California sign.

States and Localities Take Two Paths on Immigration

The election of Donald Trump may have heated up discussion about immigration reform, but Congress remained coolly distracted by attempts…

A Tale of Two Counties: Which Way Will Maryland Go?

Much like the rest of the country, the issue of illegal immigration in Maryland has people and counties divided.

California Dreamin’ – The Rights of Illegal Aliens Matter, The Safety of Citizens and Legal Residents Doesn’t

Yes, the Golden State just passed Senate Bill 54, declaring itself a “sanctuary state, whatever that means

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker Opposes Sanctuary State Bill

Governor registers his disapproval of a bill that would prohibit law enforcement from cooperating with ICE in the removal of…