
Oh, the Humanity! Those Poor, Misunderstood Human Smugglers

Can running migrants across the border be a humane enterprise that is “mutually beneficial” to immigrants and traffickers alike? A…

When the Truth About Border Security Doesn’t Make The Cut

A significant portion of the media’s immigration reporting is both vague and misleading. A recent story in The Cut is…

San Antonio Deaths: Blame those Who Encourage Illegal Migration, Not Trump or the Border Patrol

We put laws in place to deter undesirable behavior. And generally speaking, it’s bad policy to repeal laws because they…

How Human Traffickers Exploit U.S. Immigration Policies and What Can be Done

Aroldo Castillo-Serrano promised boys from Guatemala a good education and a better life if they moved to Ohio. After smuggling…

Why the Surge in Central American Minors?

The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) has just issued a new report on “Unaccompanied Child Migration.”  In it Marc Rosenblum attributes…