
FAIR Will be At Earth Day Texas

Representatives of FAIR will be at Earth Day Texas this week to inform Texans about the impact that mass immigration…

Texas v. USA: DOJ’s Request To Stop Injunction Without Merit

"In their request for a partial stay of Judge Hanen’s injunction last week, DOJ claims the order 'vastly exceeds the relief necessary…

A Legal Process Blind to Reality

The Immigration Reform Law Institute has continued to analyze last week's decision by a federal judge to halt President Obama's…

What the Sheriffs Learned on the Border

Editor’s Note: This week, Susan Tully, the National Field Director for FAIR, is participating in a fact-finding trip on the…

Sheriffs Head to the Border

Amidst a media blackout ordered by the Obama administration, on Wednesday a group of sheriffs arrived in McAllen, Texas to…