
Dan Stein on C-SPAN

FAIR President Dan Stein appeared on C-SPAN to discuss immigration policy on June 3, 2016. Watch the full appearance below.

Illegal Immigration is Not a Victimless Crime

"The House Judiciary Committee today released a video on the real costs of the Obama Administration’s lack of immigration enforcement.…

VIDEO: Examining How Far Left Hillary Clinton Has Shifted on Immigration

Real Time with Bill Maher is not typically a show where one expects to hear honest facts on an issue…

Now Is the Time to Take A Stand Against the Obama Administration Amnesty

We're not just handing jobs to illegal aliens--we're shoving money in their pockets for breaking our laws. Here are some…

Illegal Aliens Protests Become Increasingly Brazen and Aggressive

Imbued with a growing sense of entitlement to amnesty, illegal aliens and their supporters have become increasingly aggressive in pressing…