visa reform

Expanding The H-2B Visa Program Is A Very, Very Bad Idea

President Trump told an audience in Kenosha, Wisconsin] , the Buy American and Hire American Executive Order he’d signed on April 18,…

Visa Scofflaws – A Problem Augmented by the Obama Administration

A large share of the illegal immigrant population is due to foreigners who enter legally with visas and then do…

The EB-5 Investor Visa Program Deserves To Die Now

The intention behind the EB-5 investor visa program was noble. Spur economic growth in impoverished parts of the U.S. by…

DHS Approves Record Number of Foreign Worker Visas

They’re cheering at Martha’s Vineyard and in the horse paddocks, but the Department of Homeland Security’s decision to double the…

The Other Admissions Scandal

The news that as many as 50 individuals, including Hollywood actresses, conspired to illicitly gain admission for their children into…