Voting Fraud

New York City’s New Mayor Will Own the Issue of Non-Citizen Voting, So He Needs to Man Up

Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (D) inaction on a city council-approved bill allowing non-citizen voting should not…

Is Election Integrity Under Threat?

The Colorado Secretary of State’s office sent out 750,000 postcards this month urging residents to register to vote. The catch?…

House Democrats Devalue Voting Rights with Support For Non-Citizen Voting

When Republicans last September put forth a non-binding resolution opposing allowing illegal immigrants to vote in local elections, 49 Democrats…

Aliens Fuel Voter Fraud in Texas

For a “non-existent” problem, non-citizen voting is becoming a regular occurrence in Texas. In the past two weeks.

Aliens at the Polls: Are Lax Rules Threatening the Integrity of Elections?

Noncitizens registering to vote and casting ballots in U.S. elections raise concerns about the integrity of our elections.