{"id":16828,"date":"2018-04-05T13:15:18","date_gmt":"2018-04-05T17:15:18","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/live-immigrationreform.pantheonsite.io\/?p=16828"},"modified":"2018-12-28T10:37:27","modified_gmt":"2018-12-28T15:37:27","slug":"max-boot-yet-another-clueless-border-buffoon","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.immigrationreform.com\/2018\/04\/05\/max-boot-yet-another-clueless-border-buffoon\/","title":{"rendered":"Max Boot, Yet Another Clueless Border Buffoon"},"content":{"rendered":"

According to Max Boot \u2013 a talking head popular with the mainstream media \u2013 President Trump is a defense and foreign policy neophyte who \u201cignores the real threats that his country faces.\u201d In a recent column in the The Washington Post<\/em><\/a>, Boot argues that the caravan of asylum-demanding Hondurans<\/a> currently headed for the U.S. border doesn\u2019t merit the president\u2019s attention because there are more important things to worry about, like China and North Korea, for example.<\/p>\n

Boot is typical of the intellectual elite<\/a>, who constantly lecture the American public on the supposed benefits of lax immigration enforcement<\/a>. He admonishes that, if we were to just let the caravan enter<\/a> the U.S., \u201cWe would undoubtedly be getting hard-working newcomers who, like most immigrants, will make our country even greater than it is.\u201d<\/p>\n

In defense of this assertion Boot cites a Politifact<\/em><\/a> article claiming that we are experiencing \u201ca net outflow of illegal immigrants from the United States back to Mexico.\u201d So, in his estimation, there\u2019s plenty of room for more foreigners, who are better than Americans anyway. But there are some serious problems with his logic.<\/p>\n

To begin with, there is no basis for claiming that a column of un-vetted foreigners<\/a> will inevitably be composed of \u201chard-working newcomers.\u201d In fact, the September 11, 2001 terrorists all entered the United States lawfully, after having been subjected to background checks, and turned out to be both dangerous and lethally committed to diminishing America\u2019s greatness.<\/p>\n

Additionally, Boot calls Honduras, \u201ca tiny country that is afflicted by poverty, corruption, political violence and one of the world\u2019s highest homicide rates.\u201d Honduras hasn\u2019t been invaded by a foreign adversary, so it would appear that all of the violence and corruption are being visited on Hondurans by other Hondurans<\/a>. Accordingly, wouldn\u2019t it be prudent to assume that a caravan of 1,500 Hondurans might contain a few public safety threats?<\/p>\n

There\u2019s also no reliable evidence that we\u2019re experiencing a net outflow of illegal aliens \u2013 back to Mexico or anywhere else. Politifact<\/em> cites research by the Pew Research Center claiming that illegal Mexicans were forced out of the job market by the Great Recession of 2008 and went home.<\/p>\n

Of course Politifact<\/em> immediately follows its gushing praise of Pew\u2019s study with this doozer: \u201cThere are no perfect statistics when it comes to illegal immigration \u2014 it\u2019s inherently impossible to track accurately.\u201d Accordingly, logic would dictate that Pew\u2019s attempts to track illegal aliens returning to Mexico are inherently inaccurate.<\/p>\n

Boot, a Russian immigrant and rabid anti-Trumpite, doesn\u2019t seem to understand that America\u2019s influence on the world stage flows directly from American sovereignty. Allowing a rag-tag band of Honduran agitators to compromise the integrity of our borders, and violate our immigration laws, sends a clear message to countries like China and North Korea. It tells our adversaries that we are weak and subject to manipulation.<\/p>\n

On the other hand, average Americans put President Trump in office because they are tired of hearing clueless coastal elites<\/a> like Boot preach to them about the benefits of uncontrolled mass migration. They understand intuitively<\/a> that a failure to protect America\u2019s borders will deprive us of both national security and economic stability. And without those, we will no longer have the resources, nor the power, necessary to respond to what Boot considers \u201cthe real threats.\u201d