New FAIR Documentary: Pro-Amnesty Argument is Nothing New

FAIR released a new mini-film this week to remind Americans that the same arguments in favor of amnesty were the centerpiece of the immigration reform enacted in 1986.

Watch as such familiar people as former U.S. Congressmen Leon Panetta (D-Cali.), Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), and Dan Lungren (R-Cali.) argue that this one-time amnesty was necessary in order to fix our immigration problem and secure our borders.

Well, 27 years later here we are again with a bigger illegal immigration problem and we’re hearing that same old argument that amnesty needs to be the main driver to fix our “broken immigration system” and bring people “out of the shadows.”

Our footage also highlights the many courageous legislators who tried to warn us during the 1986 debate about the negative impact that amnesty would have in the future, and they certainly were right.

Check out this video and make sure to share it with your friends, family, and colleagues. The video is well worth the time to remind us that history will repeat itself if we don’t learn from our mistakes.

FAIR Staff: Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.