Senators Cruz, Grassley, Sessions & Lee Voice Opposition to Gang of Eight Bill

Concerned that S.744 repeats many of the same mistakes as the 1986 amnesty bill in addition to breaking numerous promises to the American people, Senators Ted Cruz, (R-TX), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) sent a “Dear Colleague” letter to their fellow members of the U.S. Senate outlining their opposition to the bill:

Americans expect their government to end the lawlessness, not surrender to it. They deserve immigration reform with actual border security, enforcement of the laws on the books, and a legal immigration system that works. We must welcome and celebrate legal immigrants, but S. 744 fails to deliver anything more than the same empty promises Washington has been making for 30 years.

Noting numerous failures to strengthen the bill during the Senate Judiciary Committee markup, the letter highlights nine major problems with the Gang of Eight bill:

  • Provides immediate legalization without securing the border
  • Rewards criminal aliens, absconders, and deportees and undermines law enforcement
  • Contains extremely dangerous national security loopholes
  • Facilitates fraud in our immigration system
  • Creates no real penalties for illegal immigrants and rewards them with entitlements
  • Delays for years the implementation of E-Verify
  • Does not fix our legal immigration system
  • Advanced through a process predicated on a deal struck before markup
  • Rewards those who have broken our laws by offering a special path to citizenship

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Read the letter below or visit to see a PDF.

Letter from Sens. Cruz, Sessions, Lee, Grassley Voicing Concerns with S. 744

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