Does Your House Member Support Boehner’s Amnesty Proposal?

Last month at their annual retreat, House Republican leadership released its proposal for amnesty legislation. The two-page proposal, remarkably similar to the Senate Gang of Eight’s outline released ahead of their mass guest worker amnesty bill (S.744), is in the form of six “principles” to guide the GOP in fixing our “broken” immigration system.

The first component of the proposal is a large-scale amnesty for the 12 million illegal aliens currently in the United States. In addition to this one-size-fits-all amnesty provision, the House GOP plan calls for a direct path to citizenship for so-called “DREAMers,” and increases immigration to meet requests for cheaper labor by Big Business.

To gauge where rank-and-file members stand on this proposal, the Capitol Hill newspaper CQ Roll Call surveyed all Republican House Members and published the results this week. Notably, the paper found that only 19 House GOP Members openly supported the amnesty proposal, while 30 openly opposed them. In addition, 22 refused to say, 25 were undecided, and 131 simply refused to respond.

To view the entire list of results, click here.


Mark Amodei, Nev.

John A. Boehner, Ohio

Ken Calvert, Calif.

Eric Cantor, Va.

Jeff Denham, Calif.

Charlie Dent, Pa.

Mario Diaz-Balart, Fla.

Renee Ellmers, N.C.

Joe Heck, Nev. (Asked to be moved 2/25 after initially not responding. His office told us he “supports immigration reform and an earned pathway to citizenship.”)

Peter T. King, N.Y.

Kevin McCarthy, Calif.

Michael McCaul, Texas

Howard “Buck” McKeon, Calif.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Wash.

Steve Pearce, N.M.

Paul D. Ryan, Wis.

Glenn Thompson, Pa.

Marlin Stutzman, Ind.

David Valadao, Calif.


Dave Reichert, Wash.


Robert W. Goodlatte, Va. (House Judiciary Chairman, who has jurisdiction over immigration legislation)


Michele Bachmann, Minn.

Lou Barletta, Pa.

Andy Barr, Ky.

Jim Bridenstine, Okla.

Mo Brooks, Ala.

Paul Broun, Ga.

Bradley Byrne, Ala.

Michael C. Burgess, Texas

Tom Cotton, Ark. (“Opposes amnesty”)

Rick Crawford, Ark.

Ron DeSantis, Fla. (Asked 2/25 to be moved from “Yes” to “No”)

Scott DesJarlais, Tenn.

Jeff Duncan, S.C.

John Fleming, La.

Cory Gardner, Colo.

Phil Gingrey, Ga.

Louie Gohmert, Texas

Tom Graves, Ga.

Tim Griffin, Ark.

Ralph M. Hall, Texas

Jeb Hensarling, Texas

George Holding, N.C.

Walter B. Jones, N.C.

Steve King, Iowa

Jack Kingston, Ga. (Moved 2/25 at request of his office from “Declined to comment” to “No”)

Tom McClintock, Calif.

Tom Price, Ga.

Tom Rice, S.C.

Dana Rohrabacher, Calif.

Steve Scalise, La.

John Shimkus, Ill. (Moved 2/25. His office told us he “does not support amnesty or citizenship for those who broke the law. … believes we should address the issues of border security and streamlining of agriculture and technology worker visas before discussing any legal status for illegal immigrants.”)

Lamar Smith, Texas (Asked 2/25 to be moved from “Did not respond” to “No”)

Steve Stockman, Texas

Randy Weber, Texas

FAIR Staff: Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.