Oppose Subsidized Financial Aid for Illegal Aliens in CT

Last week, the Connecticut Senate passed Senate Bill 147 (SB 147), which would allow illegal aliens to receive institutional financial aid from public colleges and universities in Connecticut. If enacted, SB 147 would allow illegal aliens to apply for tuition waivers, tuition remissions, grants for educational expenses, and student employment.

SB 147 is still awaiting action in the Connecticut House of Representatives. We need your help to stop this bill! Please contact your Representative and tell him or her you do not want your tax dollars subsidizing illegal aliens!

Tell your lawmaker:

  • Subsidizing financial aid to illegal aliens hurts taxpayers.Subsidizing financial aid to illegal aliens further burdens Connecticut taxpayers who already help finance post-secondary public education for illegal aliens through in-state tuition. SB 147 would further subsidize illegal alien education by granting them access to already scarce financial aid. This increases competition for such aid by Connecticut students, and either gives them a smaller piece of the pie, or will increase taxpayer dollars to the public colleges and universities to make up the difference. Either way, taxpayers foot the bill!
  • Subsidizing financial aid to illegal aliens is unfair to legal immigrants. Prospective immigrants have little incentive to pursue legal paths to immigration when they can side step the process and gain the same benefits.
  • Subsidizing financial aid to illegal aliens further incentivizes illegal immigration. As of 2010, Connecticut taxpayers pay $957 million annually due to illegal immigration. Granting financial aid to illegal aliens will only incentivize further illegal immigration to the state, which contributes to higher costs of living, reduced job availability, lower wages, higher crime rates, fiscal hardship to hospitals, and overwhelmed public services.

Contact your Representative today and tell him or her to oppose SB 147!

Sincerely, FAIR

P.S. Don’t know who represents you in the Connecticut House? You can find your Representative using the locator on the Connecticut General Assembly’s homepage.

FAIR Staff: Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.