Even High-End Border Wall Estimate a Great Deal for American Taxpayers

The mainstream media is making a huge (yuge) deal about the estimated cost to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. An internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document supposedly concluded that it would cost $21.6 billion and take 3.5 years to complete the border wall. The open borders media is giddy that this estimate is more than double President Trump’s claim that it would cost around $10 billion to build and also higher than the $12-15 billion estimate Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) predicted. Using his favorite messaging platform, President Trump tweeted, “I am reading that the great border WALL will cost more than the government originally thought, but I have not gotten involved in the design or negotiations yet. When I do… price will come WAY DOWN!”

Even if the nearly $22 billion estimate is correct, it is still a significant deal for American taxpayers. You see, pro-amnesty groups use the lazy argument that the border wall will cost taxpayer dollars without acknowledging the savings that will be realized from curbing illegal immigration. FAIR calculates the cost of illegal immigration at $113 billion per year, a substantial and recurring cost. Thus, even this higher estimate is a one-time cost that is less than one-fifth of one year’s taxpayer burden caused by illegal immigration. That is a deal every enforcement-minded American would gladly take!

FAIR Staff: Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.