Border Patrol Council President: We Need The Wall

Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council – which represents the approximately 20,000 Border Patrol agents who protect our nation’s borders – minced no words at a recent press conference underscoring the importance of border barriers and the effectiveness of the wall. “Walls actually work,” noted the 21-year Border Patrol veteran, who has spent a significant portion of his career patrolling the Southern border.

Judd pointed out that contrary to claims made by many so-called experts and open border advocates over the efficacy of building a wall, he’s seen first-hand how well border structures deter illegal immigration. “I promise you that if you interview Border Patrol agents, they will tell you that walls work.”

Judd recalled his ten year experience patrolling the border in Naco, Arizona, where there were no real deterrents to illegal entry. “We didn’t have physical barriers in Naco, and illegal immigration and drug smuggling were absolutely out of control,” he explained. “We built those walls – those physical barriers – and illegal immigration dropped exponentially.”

Judd pointed out that anywhere along the border where walls have been built, they have been incredibly effective. “We need those physical barriers,” he said.