Why Don’t The Democrats Respond To The Border Crisis?

News that the Democratic House wants to defund all of President Trump’s immigration enforcement authority – as well as his immigration-related executive orders – must cause all clear-headed Americans to finally recognize a core reality: this is not your mother’s Democratic Party.

Even though North Carolina Representative David Price has been in Congress since 1987, he’s now legislating in ways he never would have dared to just a few years back.  He’s the author of an amendment to the House DHS Appropriations bill that defunds all of President Trump’s immigration-specific executive orders. These cover a range of enforcement actions, all in the public interest and all designed to ensure enforcement of law Congress has already passed.

This is just the latest example of House Democrats grinding Congress to a halt at a time when a bona fide national border crisis has unfolded because of glaring loopholes in our asylum process.  The failure of Congress to act is a national failure, of course. It is part of an on-going failure to deal effectively with a range of national challenges.

But to watch thousands just march across our borders – transported by criminal cartels, and not respond? When cities and towns are being overwhelmed? What could motivate such behavior?  When border crossings are matching records, and when most of those illegal entrants are now invoking fraudulent asylum claims to avoid repatriation, why would Democrats in Congress fail to react?

I know we hear a lot of high sounding rhetoric about “Trump’s cruel immigration detention policies” and such.  But the real reason is clear:  Democrats are on a crazed path for total one-party political dominance at all cost.  They seek to replicate the California model nationwide. They plan to do it by utterly destroying U.S. immigration controls. They make no secret of their plans; we can see it in action every day.

This cannot be acceptable here – it cannot be acceptable for any nation – if it seeks to long endure. 

Dan Stein: Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to ImmigrationReform.com, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.