FAIR Staff

Rep. Black (R-TN) Introduces U Visa Reform Act

Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) introduces the U visa Reform Act of 2013. The bill limits chain migration, requires that U…

Sen. Grassley Gives Speech on Lessons Learned from 1986 Immigration Bill

Iowa U.S. Senator Charles Grassley took to the floor of the U.S. Senate late yesterday to give his perspective on…

Congressional Leaders Voice their Support for Amnesty

Pro-amnesty congressional leaders continue to echo President Obama's calls for comprehensive immigration reform legislation that includes amnesty for illegal aliens.…

Sec. Napolitano Enforces Federal Immigration Law!

This particular blog entry is dedicated to applauding a recent action of DHS Sec. Janet Napolitano. Savor this moment, it…

New Details Emerge in Delayed Arrest of Sen. Menendez’s Illegal Alien Staffer

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) internal documents confirm that officials delayed arresting pro-amnesty Sen. Bob Menendez's (D-NJ) illegal alien sex…