Ira Mehlman

Wall Street Set to Cash-In on Obama Amnesty

Last week IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified before Congress that illegal aliens who benefit from the Obama amnesty will also…

Illegal Aliens Stand to Gain Legal Presence and Big Fat Checks from the IRS

As if subverting the Constitution to give millions of illegal aliens legal status and work authorization isn’t enough, there’s more.…

The Obama Engineered Immigration Meltdown

(and Why Securing the Border is a Red Herring) No discussion of immigration reform in Washington gets very far without…

Obama’s Amnesty Threatens National Security and Congress Must Defund It

On Tuesday, the Senate defeated an effort to include provisions defunding President Obama’s massive executive amnesty program in the Department…

Attorney General Nominee Asserts that Illegal Aliens Have the “Right to Work” in the U.S.

At her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Loretta Lynch, President Obama’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General, asserted that…