Jennifer G. Hickey

California DMV Improperly Registered Non-Citizens to Vote

1,500 people were improperly registered to vote, including non-citizens in California

Hardly Angels, DACA Beneficiaries Run Afoul of the Law

Contrary to their portrait in the media, not all DACA beneficiaries are future brain surgeons and civic leaders.

New York Times (Again) Buries the Facts to Push Its Own Agenda

Sadly, the Times’ report on Texas's tent city contains an ounce of truth buried in pounds of distortions.

California Judge Rules Sanctuary State Law is Unconstitutional

California judge ruled that the state’s controversial “sanctuary state” law is unconstitutional and it can be ignored.

Failing to Enforce the Law Results in More American Deaths

Two cases this week further highlighted the grave flaws in the nation’s immigration system.