Guest Opinion

I am an Immigrant and I Work for FAIR

I am an immigrant. I came to the United States a few years ago, legally needless to say. FAIR gave…

Will the Supreme Court Uphold Immigration Policy by Executive Fiat Next?

The Supreme Court has just decided two landmark cases. The first (King v. Burwell) was a decision to allow the…

DHS Scraps Perfectly Good Program that Protected Americans

A top House official believes the Obama administration blatantly disregarded the safety of Americans when it did away with an…

Illegal Aliens Backstab Their Biggest GOP Advocate

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush stepped out in front of 3,000 eager Miami supporters on Monday to make the biggest…

What the Washington Post Forgot to Report

Washington Post reporter Jerry Markon wrote Wednesday that fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally and that as a result…