RJ Hauman

Legislation Introduced to Give States Approval Over Refugee Resettlement

Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) recently introduced legislation to give state governments approval over the resettlement of refugees. H.R. 6110, the…

Removals of Foreign Nationals Who Overstay Visas Plummet Under Obama Administration

Removals of visa overstayers have plummeted under the Obama administration according to a House Republican who raised the issue with…

Effort to Deny Funding to Sanctuary Cities Fails for Unrelated Reason

Last week, Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) introduced a FAIR-supported amendment to H.R. 5055, the Energy and Water Development and Related…

Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to End Special Immigration Policies for Cubans

President Obama’s visit to Cuba last week marks a historic rapprochement with the island nation that should also signal the…

Ryan: House Will File Supreme Court Brief in Executive Amnesty Case

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) announced Tuesday that the House will vote on a resolution to file an amicus brief…