
On the Caravan, CNN’s Jim Acosta is Even More Wrong This Week

CNN's Jim Acosta and other media outlets are missing the point on the issue of the migrant caravan.

7-Eleven Obeyed the Law! Oh No!

A recent article accuses convenience store chain 7-Eleven of manipulating immigration law in order to serve its corporate interests.

The Pro-Amnesty Lobby Fails to Mimic Trump’s Success

After President Trump’s victory in 2016, pro-amnesty proponents tried to mimic his success in this year’s midterm elections.

Do Latinos Have Reasons to Distrust Democrats?

Ruben Navarrette thinks that Democrats are taking Latino support for granted.

Under-Reported Details of the Migrant Caravans

Many media outlets are missing some key facts about the approaching migrant caravan.

Why We Should Fear False Claims of Fear

The term fear in modern use when talking about immigration, for the most part, is applied to people who are,…

‘Birthright’ Babies Outnumbered Births in 16 States

Though births by illegal aliens are, by definition, difficult to quantify with exactitude, recent research estimates that 297,000 “birthright babies”…

Caravan Coverage Veers Into a Ditch

With catch-and-release policies back in place, more caravans are ramping up.

Wall Street Journal Rethinks Love Affair With Open Borders

Rather than ringing the dinner bell to “let them all in,” the Wall Street Journal is rethinking their open-borders mindset.

(Saint) Pablo Villavicencio Arrested for Domestic Violence

The devoted family man and “model citizen” Pablo Villavicencio was arrested by Long Island police on domestic violence charges.