Border Patrol

Is DHS Hiding a Report Proving the Border is Unsecure?

Ever since President Obama began his push for “comprehensive” immigration reform after he secured his reelection, he has repeatedly tried…

Texas Department of Public Safety to Federal Government: Do Your Part

Despite strong opposition by open border proponents, Texas lawmakers passed an unprecedented border security funding bill last year that assured…

Death and Exploitation: A Troubling Consequence of Lax Immigration Policies

In defending amnesty and loose immigration policies, open border proponents often justify illegal entry into the United States by pointing…

House Judiciary Chairman Writes Letter Blasting DHS Secretary Over Lax Immigration Policies

Border Patrol agents and others who confront illegal immigration on a daily basis affirm the concept that a secure border…

After Years of Federal Abuse, the National Border Patrol Council Has Had Enough

When a union endorses a candidate for the first time in its 59-year existence, the move is notable. When an…