
What True Immigration Reform Looks Like: Implement a System Based on Merit

Implement a merit-based immigration system: Our immigration system should choose immigrants based on an objective assessment of who is most…

Barletta Seeks to Restore SCAAP Funding

True immigration reformer Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) is calling on his colleagues to reject President Obama’s fiscal year 2015 budget,…

Chamber of Commerce Spends Millions to Keep Americans Out of Work

In the past year, the Chamber of Commerce has spent millions to bring in foreign workers and promote amnesty for…

Record? Obama Deported Fewer than Carter

While Americans were preparing for the Christmas holiday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) nonchalantly issued its FY 2013 enforcement data.…

Obama’s DHS Nominees: No Experience or Under Investigation

Is the Obama administration intent on stacking the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with ill-equipped leadership? Monday evening the Senate…