
Jose Antonio Vargas Lives Above the Law, Not in the Shadows

It turns out that Jose Antonio Vargas, the prominent open borders activist who has admitted to being an illegal alien…

Bravo, Atlantic

In America, there is a tendency to try to pigeonhole every social and political issue neatly into the framework of…

Detention Centers > Ankle Bracelets

Sen. Bob Menendez said Wednesday that immigration detention centers should only be used to hold criminal illegal aliens and that…

Michigan State Legislators Respond to Sanctuary City Consequences

According to the Oakland, Michigan Press, Oakland Press, July 16, 2015, legislators in Michigan are paying attention to the Kate…

The Defiant, Audacious, Contemptible Response to Steinle’s Murder

Kate Steinle’s murder three weeks ago by a previously deported illegal alien has sparked national outrage, intense debate, nonstop media…