
The Deportation Numbers Don’t Add Up

Anyone who wondered how the Obama administration could continue to claim record deportations despite taking measures to halt enforcement should…

Facts Dispel Myth that Obama Has Increased Deportations

For several years, those following immigration policy have been perplexed by seemingly contradictory events. While President Obama has been dismantling…

Rush to Misjudgment: ICE is Not Recklessly Deporting American Citizens

Anyone who has followed FAIR’s activities over the past several years knows that we do not reflexively leap to the…

Obama’s Magic Act: Total Deportations Up but Deportations Down for Those “Only” Breaking Immigration Laws

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has just announced that 396,906 illegal aliens were removed from the United States in…

SCAAP Data Reveals Location of Deportable Aliens

State and local prisons and jails routinely report to the federal government on the number of deportable criminal aliens and…