H.R. 1417: Similar to the Senate Amnesty Bill

While the mainstream media was focused on passage of the 1,200 page Senate amnesty bill (S. 744), committees in the…

House Republican Leaders Preparing to “Rebrand” the DREAM Act

Since last November’s electoral defeat, Republicans have been engaged in a self-described “rebranding” effort. Maybe they do need a little…

House Amendment would Grant Military DREAM Act

While the Senate debates a 1,000+ page amnesty bill, the House of Representatives is gearing up for a potential vote…

DREAM Act Debated With Maryland Vote Pending

Marylanders will have the chance to reverse the granting of in-state tuition to illegal aliens this election. After a strong…

The DREAM Act Amnesty: Legalizing Agricultural Workers Since 2012

The DREAM Act amnesty was supposed to be about college-bound valedictorians. Instead it is preductibly turning into a cheap labor…