executive action

Summary of House Judiciary Hearing

Before McConnell and Reid struck a deal in the Senate yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing entitled, “The…

President Obama Dissembles and Defames

Normally the U.S. President should be a reliable source of information. A free press can usually be counted on to…

Five Questions Obama Must Answer about his Amnesty

Notwithstanding the constitutional questions President Obama’s unilateral amnesty decree poses, the sheer logistics of carrying it out presents an almost…

MIA: The White House’s 10-Point Immigration Plan

Last month, the media said the president’s immigration executive action would come in the form of a 10-point plan. Then…

The “Most Transparent Administration in History” Huddling Behind Closed Doors with Lobbyists on Immigration

As we all know, this is the most transparent administration in history. We know this, of course, because President Obama…