Federation for American Immigration Reform

Democrats Takeover in New York Is Paying Off For Illegal Aliens

With the loss of Republican control in the New York State  Senate last November, immigration activists and their political allies…

New Mexico Governor’s Border Games Are No Laughing Matter

With parched migrants trudging into New Mexico’s perilous desert and the region’s residents clamoring for more robust border barriers, what…

Ocasio-Cortez Invents New Rights and New Laws To Justify Defunding ICE

Before her appearance at the highly-touted and heavily-promoted announcement of the nonbinding Green New Deal, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) appeared…

A Humanitarian Test for a Do-Nothing Congress

Assuming lawmakers are interested in looking for one, Congress has a bipartisan immigration fix right under its noses. It’s what…

The Ad-Lib Heard Around the World

Usually few people can recall specific policy proposals made during a State of the Union and fewer can remember a…