Gang of Eight

Gang of 8 Releases 17-page Outline of Bill

Earlier today, the Gang of Eight released a 17-page outline of the immigration reform bill that is expected to be…

Senate Hearing on Unreleased Gang of 8 Bill Planned for April 17

Continuing the plan to fast-track the yet-to-be-released Gang of Eight legislation, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) announced the Senate Judiciary Committee…

To the Unscrupulous Go the Spoils

Grover Norquist is always a sure bet for an inflammatory quote to shake up a political discussion.  So, too, are…

Gang of Eight Want NO Amendments

Gang of Eight Want NO Amendments "All the members of the bipartisan 'Gang of Eight' pushing immigration reform in the…

Sen. Leahy Wants to Meet With Gang of 8, But ICE Union Shut Out of Talks

Sen. Leahy Wants to Meet With Gang of 8, But ICE Union Shut Out of Talks Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick…