Illegal Criminal Aliens

Cuomo Shields More Criminal Aliens From Deportation

 New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is pardoning more illegal aliens to shield them from deportation. The Democratic governor this week…

The Illegal Alien Continuum of Crime

Corporal Ronil Singh, a police officer with the with the City of Newman California Police Department, was recently murdered during…

What Doesn’t the Cato Institute Get About “Illegal”?’

Less than 24 hours after Iowa law enforcement announced that Mollie Tibbetts was murdered by an illegal alien, the Cato…

Importing Crime: The Numbers Are Scary and So are the Costs

Despite what some news outlets will try to have you believe, there is a strong correlation between mass immigration and…

Seven DACA Trespassers Released from Custody and Blame Everyone Else for their Circumstances

The seven illegal aliens who refused to give up their identification as means to protest the ending of DACA are…