illegal immigrants

MD Suburb Now Gangland Ground Zero

Once upon a time, there was a charming leafy well-to-do suburban county just outside Washington, D.C.  And then it got…

Activists now demand an end to family separations, but isn’t that what they were supposed to be against that all along?

Last weekend, widely-circulated reports of thousands of “missing” illegal immigrant children riled up social justice activists, who promptly took to…

May Day protestors come out in support of illegal workers

This year, May Day rallies were in support of those who cannot legally hold jobs in the U.S. and the…

USC Professor Bans Use of Word “Illegal Immigrant” on Final Exams

In its mission statement, the University of Southern California (USC) proudly boasts that it is “unfettered by political control” and…

College Education: The Newest Incentive for Immigration Violators?

When most people think of incentives that induce foreign migrants to violate U.S. immigration law, they think of jobs. There…