illegal immigration

A Heckled Obama says He Can’t Stop Deportations – But He Already Is

President Obama apparently planned to give the same tired amnesty stump speech yesterday in San Francisco. He claimed his version…

U.S. Gives Illegal Aliens $29 Million in Prescription Drug Benefits

Law-breaking by illegal aliens may start at the border, but continues… all the way to the pharmacy counter.  Although federal…

Border Arrests Jump for 2nd Year

Border Arrests Jump for 2nd Year "The head of the Border Patrol said his agents made about 420,000 arrests in…

Md. County Urged to Investigate Contractor Reportedly Using Unauthorized Labor

Potomac Disposal, Inc. one of Montgomery County’s three contracted waste haulers, may be in violation of federal law for employing…

Illegal Immigration Rising Again

Illegal Immigration Rising Again "Since 2007, the number of unauthorized immigrants in the United States has shrunk considerably, likely due…