immigration policy

Debate with CEI Part III: Libertarians Preclude the Application of Reason in Immigration Policy

Actually, libertarians like David Bier preclude the application of reason, period. But since he has taken specific objection to my…

An “Exceptional” Immigration Policy

Given how the immigration system is currently broken, it would be "exceptional" to believe that an adjustable immigration quota would… Nails It: Immigration Policy Is about Picking Winners

A blog effectively takes the ethnic advocacy network’s opposition to eliminating the so-called Visa Lottery to task, calling their…

Obama Victory Demands that Congress Reassert Authority over Immigration Policy

Obama Victory Demands that Congress Reassert Authority over Immigration Policy "The American people have given President Obama a second administration,…

Debra Saunders: Obama’s Immigration Policy Designed With Politics in Mind

President Obama's Univision appearance continues to divide commentators. Also, the legal fight over SB 1070 isn't over, as Arizona again…