
Obama Targets Inequality But Ignores Immigration

Obama Targets Inequality But Ignores Immigration President Obama's call yesterday for combatting growing income inequality ignored the role of immigration…

U.S. Gives Illegal Aliens $29 Million in Prescription Drug Benefits

Law-breaking by illegal aliens may start at the border, but continues… all the way to the pharmacy counter.  Although federal…

My Response to President Obama’s Remarks Today

Once again, President Obama has made a speech about his immigration plans. Nothing new today, just more of the same.…

How One Activist Can Make A Tremendous Difference

How One Activist Can Make A Tremendous Difference "He says the United States is filling up with immigrants who do…

National Journal Flat-Out Lies About Immigration Poll Findings

“The Media” are just people, and all people have their biases. Inevitably, those biases subtly creep into the stories they…