Kate Steinle

Senate Democrats Lead Charge to Kill Anti-Sanctuary City Bill, Kate’s Law

Senate Democrats led the charge today in protecting the status quo and turning their backs on public safety with two…

If the President Wants to Protect Public Safety, He Can Start Enforcing Immigration Laws

During President Obama’s Tuesday speech announcing his new executive order on guns, he teared up talking about those who have…

S.F. Sanctuary Sheriff’s Defeat A Small Victory for Justice

Voters in San Francisco administered a small measure of justice for Kate Steinle by overwhelmingly defeating the sheriff who put…

Barbara Boxer, Kate Steinle’s own Senator, Kills Anti-Sanctuary City Bill

Yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Senate had an opportunity bring justice to the family of Kate Steinle, the law-abiding American citizen…

Justice for Kate Steinle: Key Senate Vote Tuesday

More than three months have passed since Kate Steinle was tragically shot and killed in San Francisco by an illegal…