obama administration amnesty

“Ending Unconstitutional, Executive Amnesties” Draft Executive Order Summary

President Donald Trump has issued several Executive Orders and Memos this week regarding immigration - below is our summary of…

Can Obama Pardon Illegal Aliens?

President-elect Donald Trump has promised to end President Obama’s Deferred Action for Children of Aliens program (DACA).  As a result,…

United States v. Texas: Observations

Last Thursday, in a 4-4 split, the United States Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s injunction blocking implementation of President…

Obama Admits He Won’t Deport Illegal Aliens

Earlier today the Supreme Court rebuked President Obama’s attempt to unilaterally grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens when it…

Justice Department Chooses to Ignore the Law?

Francisco Aguirre, an illegal alien from El Salvador who was convicted of narcotics trafficking in 2000 and deported, and who…