Obama Administration

Who Says Obama’s Responsible for Illegal Immigrant Surge?

Despite the efforts of the Obama administration’s efforts to characterize the surge in illegal immigration from Central America as a…

Could the Mainstream Media Be Waking Up?

Sporadic Outbreaks of Truth Being Reported... Just a few months ago most of the major newspapers portrayed President Obama as…

Obama Insults Congress Then Asks Them for $2 Billion Please

President Obama’s immigration speech was a brazen, unapologetic attempt to shift the blame for the border crisis from himself to…

Who Are You Rooting For, Mr. President?

Harvard economist George Borjas recently gave an overview of the economic impact of immigration on the United States in a…

This Date in Obama’s Administrative Amnesty: June 29, 2011

During a June 29, 2011 White House press conference, President Obama side stepped a question about whether he would sign…