Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan’s Prescription for America: Increase Unemployment and the National Debt

Paul Ryan, the self-described budget expert among the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives, was conspicuously absent during the…

New Infographic: Wisconsin Needsd Jobs Not Amnesty!

If you've heard the TV ad from FAIR about Paul Ryan's "labor shortage," you probably know that unemployment is extremely high in…

FAIR TV Ad Challenges Ryan’s Claims of Labor Shortages

This week in Wisconsin, FAIR launched a new TV ad aimed at Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis-1) questioning his claim that…

Ryan’s Words on Obama Tax Plan Reveal Hypocrisy in Immigration Stance

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is not shy about criticizing President Obama’s tax reform proposal. “It’s a raw…

Paul Ryan’s Favorite Book is Definitely not the Dictionary

Paul Ryan has declared that he will debate anyone who says the Gang of Eight bill is amnesty. This from…