
Wealthy Arab Countries Abandoning Syrian Refugees

The wealthiest Arab countries have yet to offer temporary refugee resettlement for Syrians fleeing the civil war—it’s doubtful they will.…

A New World of Refugee Ethics

Richard Lamm, former Governor of Colorado and long-time member of FAIR’s Board of Advisors, looks at the worldwide refugee crisis…

Separated Families: Naivety or Duplicity?

We were assailed again today with an article in the Washington Post bemoaning the plight of the illegal aliens who…

The Refugee “Cover”

The border crisis and its flows of unaccompanied minors from Latin America crossing the border into the United States illegally…

Obama’s Plan for ‘Refugees’ Opens Door to New Immigration Crisis

Last Thursday, the New York Times reported that the Obama administration plans to allow thousands of Hondurans to enter the…