
Gang of Eight Bill Passes Senate 68-32

Passing 68-32, S.744 failed to garner the 70 votes predicted it would receive in the U.S. Senate. Fourteen Republicans voted…

FAIR Alert: Senate Votes TODAY on Amnesty Bill

After weeks of backroom deals and procedural maneuvering, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's rush to pass the 1,200 page Senate…

Theater of the Absurd on the Senate Floor

Fortunately for members of Congress, most Americans aren’t glued to their TVs watching C-SPAN. If they did, Congress would have…

Senate to Vote on Amnesty Bill This Week

Last Friday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) took the procedural steps necessary to hold a final vote on the…

FAIR Alert: Senators To Vote on Back Room Deal on Gang of Eight Bill

FAIR is hearing that the back room deal negotiated by Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and John Hoeven (R-ND) with the…