Social Security

Social Security is turning 80 this Friday

Happy 80th to Social Security!!  After we blow out the candles and turn on the lights, let us face reality. …

Obama’s Unlawful Amnesty Saves Social Security – For Three Months!

The White House claims that the president’s unconstitutional and illegal executive actions on immigration are worth it because it will…

U.S. Gives Illegal Aliens $29 Million in Prescription Drug Benefits

Law-breaking by illegal aliens may start at the border, but continues… all the way to the pharmacy counter.  Although federal…

Immigration Reform for Deficit Reduction?

Roll Call, a Washington, DC paper focused on Congress, reports on September 6 that Rep. Xavier Becerra is pushing the…

Would the S.744 Amnesty Benefit the Social Security System?

At the request of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida), the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration (SSA) issued an impact…