
ICE Union Says Amnesty Deal Ignores Cartels, Border Security

ICE Union Says Amnesty Deal Ignores Cartels, Border Security "Immigration and Customs Enforcement union president Chris Crane told reporters on…

Cato Institute Defending Amnesty

The following excerpt from a Cato Institute report has been cited as proof that if illegal aliens were given amnesty…

Gangs of Eight Finalize Amnesty Bills

The latest news from Capitol Hill is that both amnesty working groups in the House and Senate – the so-called…

New FAIR Documentary: Pro-Amnesty Argument is Nothing New

FAIR released a new mini-film this week to remind Americans that the same arguments in favor of amnesty were the…

Attend Your Congressional Members’ Town Hall Meeting

We need your help. Our sources on Capitol Hill tell us that an amnesty bill is coming out next month! Why…