
MarcoPhones? Facebook Carve-outs? What else is in Gang of 8 Bill?

Drafted in secret and repeatedly delayed, the Gang of Eight bill was released early this morning.  FAIR's Government Relations team…

Is the Campaign for Amnesty the New Civil Rights Movement?

At the march on the Capitol this week to demand adoption of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) a prominent speaker…

Senate Hearing on Unreleased Gang of 8 Bill Planned for April 17

Continuing the plan to fast-track the yet-to-be-released Gang of Eight legislation, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) announced the Senate Judiciary Committee…

Center for American Progress: Support Amnesty, or We’ll Crush You

The Center for American Progress (CAP), a liberal think tank with close ties to the Obama administration and the Democratic…

Lunch this Wednesday: Call Your Member of Congress

Do you have plans for lunch this Wednesday, April 10? We know that pro-amnesty groups are converging on Capitol Hill…